
When Should You Check Your Air Ducts

About 20% of the cold air or heat in your home is lost due to issues with your air ducts. A leaky or blocked duct system can spike your energy bills considerably. It’s a major waste of energy, which is why many utilities offer incentives for you to get your ducts working properly.

Champion Home Services is a CPS Energy-registered contractor. That means you can contact us to perform air duct testing or air duct replacement and potentially become eligible for rebates from CPS Energy.

Want to Become Eligible for Rebates?

To be eligible for a CPS Energy air duct rebate, the following has to happen:

  • Air duct pretesting must show 25% or more leakage in the duct system
  • Air duct post-testing of the repairs and/or replacement must show 8% or less leakage in the duct system.
  • All testing must be performed by CPS Energy registered contractors, including Champion Home Services
  • Applications must be received within 30 days of completion of projects.

CPS Energy Rebates

  • The duct repair or replacement rebate is 25 percent, up to $1,500 per system and $2,500 per customer.
  • Air Flow Performance Rebates are available only for work completed on existing AC systems.
  • This program is not applicable to new construction.

If you have any questions about air duct repairs or air duct replacement, don’t hesitate to call Champion Home Services! Fall is the perfect time to get serious about making improvements to your home’s air conditioning and heating system.