If you’ve ever noticed your allergies are relieved when you are inside versus outside, you can thank your air conditioner. While working to cool down your home and reduce home humidity, your air conditioner also filters your home’s air to provide you with better indoor air quality. Your AC system works hard to keep you comfortable and healthy – whether you have year-long or seasonal allergies.
Close Doors and Windows
Although there are both indoor and outdoor pollutants, your AC system only uses air inside your home to cool it down. This means any outdoor allergens that enter your home are from open doors or windows. Keep your allergy symptoms at a minimum while inside your home by preserving your clean indoor air and limiting the amount of outside air from entering as much as possible.
Air Filters
Your allergies are relieved indoors because your air conditioner uses a filter to trap and keep unwanted particles from circulating your home. In other words, airborne particles such as pollen, mold, mildew and dust won’t affect your allergies as much inside. Before allergy season is in full effect, make sure you change your filter to guarantee your air conditioner is working at maximum efficiency.
Removing Humidity
Without an air conditioner, your home’s air would likely be too humid at times and too dry at others. Your air conditioner is designed to provide you with the most comfortable balance of both – because too much of either can make your allergies worse. By removing humidity from your home’s atmosphere, your air conditioner improves your indoor air quality and reduces allergens that thrive in humid climates.
Your air conditioner can only do so much without help. Proper air care and annual check-ups are necessary for an HVAC system to alleviate your allergy symptoms and provide your home with good indoor air quality. Let one of our Champion Home Services professionals ensure your air conditioner is doing the best job it can to keep you comfortable in your home. Give us a call us today to learn about our AC maintenance clubs.