Ductless air conditioners, also known as mini-split ACs, are an increasingly popular choice for homeowners. However, there’s still some confusion about what they are and how they work. Let’s take a crash course about how ductless systems work and why they’re so popular.
How Ductless AC Works
When push comes to shove, ductless ACs aren’t really that different from the central cooling that most of us are used to. True to their name, ductless systems work just like central ACs — without the ductwork. Instead of distributing air throughout a duct system to the rest of the home, the unit uses a fan to blow conditioned air directly into a given space.
Like a central air conditioner, ductless systems consist of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. They cool your home by pulling heat into the evaporator coils from the air inside, carrying it to the outdoor unit’s condenser coils and releasing it outside. In addition, ductless ACs have a “conduit” that connects the two units through a small hole in the wall.
Benefits of Ductless Heating and Cooling
Ductless systems have been widely used for years outside of the U.S. – and for good reason. Mini-split air conditioners come with a number of great benefits that will make you glad to have one.
Higher Energy Efficiency
Because it’s impossible to lose cooling efficiency to ductwork, ductless systems are more energy efficient than central systems. They even have a higher baseline SEER rating. Higher efficiency over time means that your ductless AC will pay for itself.
Built-In Zoning
You can end the thermostat wars between family members by switching to ductless heating and cooling. Since they cool one room, you can install several indoor units with one outdoor unit and allow independent temperature zones throughout your home. If you love a cold room but a family member doesn’t, ductless systems make it so that you’ll never fight for your preferred temperature again.
Easy Installation
Because no ductwork is required, ductless installation is incredibly easy. Ductless systems are typically mounted high on an exterior wall. Only a small hole in the wall is required to connect the two units, which means the installation process is faster and less invasive.
The flexible and simple design of ductless air conditioners means they can be used in a wide range of places. The versatility of a ductless AC is often a lifesaver for older homes where there’s no room for ductwork and home add-ons.
When is ductless the best choice?
Whether ductless is right for you depends entirely on your specific heating and cooling needs. As stated above, however, ductless is often the best choice when a unique situation is required. Situations in which ductless is the perfect solution include:
- Old homes that can’t accommodate ductwork
- Home add-ons (including guest houses)
- Finished garages and attics
- Heating and cooling a basement
- Supporting a room with heating and cooling issues
- Providing temperature zoning.
Contact Champion Home Services today to find out if ductless AC is the right solution for your home and get a quote.