It’s late in October, and most of us here in San Antonio still have the AC going. Texans sometimes wonder how northerners survive without air conditioning. We can’t believe people have to suffer through summers without some sort of regulating air temperature! Is it actually possible to survive without AC? We’re here to bring you some survival techniques, but we’re still hoping nothing bad – say, a zombie apocalypse – happens.
(Hey it’s almost Halloween. Zombies are top of mind.)
- If your AC is simply out for the night, try dampening a sheet with cold water, spreading it out and hanging it up near a window. The breeze blowing in through the cooled-off sheet will quickly bring down the room’s temperature, and it could even provide some well-needed shade, too!
- If the heat goes out during winter, it can get extremely cold in the house – even in Texas. Starting a fire (safely in a fireplace, of course) is your best bet for creating heat. Never bring devices powered by gasoline, propane or charcoal inside the house, as they can emit dangerous amount of carbon monoxide. And of course, layering your clothing and blankets is always the easiest solution to warm up! If you have power but your heater isn’t working, space heaters can be a huge help. Just make sure they’re in a space away from anything that can catch fire.
- For most people, it’s easiest to avoid these problems altogether. Go somewhere else if you know an AC company can’t get to you in a timely manner. If it’s definitely going to be a few days before your house’s temperature will be regulated, find a family member or friend close by and post up with them for a little while. And if your AC is out because of a sudden zombie apocalypse, there’s always safety in numbers!
(Speaking of zombie apocalypses, Champion Home Services‘s president, Ben Hubbert, is trained in survival tactics. He says the first thing you should do if a true disaster strikes is fill your bathtub to the brim with water. That way you at least have some water in your home while waiting for the situation to recover. Unless the zombies get to you first…)