To borrow a cliché, the heat is definitely on here in south Texas. We finally hit 100 over the weekend, but don’t let that milestone confuse you. Even though we were a bit late to hit triple digits, this summer has been brutal. Hot and humid. San Antonio has felt more like Houston, in terms of the weather.
It’s one thing to sit inside in the air conditioning during days like these. Not everyone in San Antonio has that luxury, though – especially the elderly. There are many seniors whose homes either don’t have AC or they can’t afford it. If you know of a neighbor or relative in this situation, it’s recommended you frequently check on them. Buy them a boxed fan to help keep cool, or remind them to go to a senior center during the heat of the day to cool down.
Unfortunately, this time of year always also produces plenty of tragic incidents involving children or pets being left in a hot car.
These situations can be deadly. It doesn’t take long for body temperatures to rise to a critical level. Just take a look at this report from ABC:
Just a friendly reminder from Champion AC: Don’t take risks with the summer heat.