In today’s society, we are all looking for ways to decrease our carbon footprint and help save the environment. Whether it is no longer buying plastic water bottles, carpooling to work or just putting forth more of an effort to recycle, it is the small changes in our everyday life that benefit our planet in the long run. However, the effort to “go green” can feel overwhelming at times – especially when it comes to purchasing the necessities and not always knowing if those products will be recyclable at the end of their lives. For example, air filters are needed to keep your home filled with clean indoor air quality. However, are those air filters recyclable? The answer is yes, and here are some ways you can go about recycling your old HVAC filters.
We wish we could say it is as easy as throwing them in that green recycling bin to set on the curb every week. However, your local recycling system is equipped to sort through paper, plastic, glass, you know… the usual. Air filters, on the other hand, are comprised of either fiberglass, plastic, wire mesh or a mix of them all. Here are some ways you can recycle your old air filters.
Purchase Reusable Filters
Look into purchasing reusable filters rather than disposable ones. Reusable filters are machine washable and available for purchase through major retailers like Amazon. They cost a little more upfront but are worth the investment in the long run.
Use a mail-in Recycling Company
Mail-in recycling companies are another fantastic way to dispose of your old filters while still remaining environmentally conscious. These companies will send you pre-paid mailers to then send off your old filters for recycling.
Contact a Professional
One of the best ways to recycle an air filter is to contact an HVAC company or supplier. These companies work with these filters every day and have the means of recycling your used filter in the best way possible.
For more information on HVAC filters and indoor air quality, check out the Champion Home Services blog today!