Just because you’ve now had a couple of opportunities to dust off your favorite coat and scarf, it doesn’t mean that it’s too late for a heater tune-up! Champion AC’s heater tune-up will make sure that you won’t be left in the cold this winter. In addition to regularly changing your air filters, practicing proper thermostat use and sipping on a mug of hot cocoa, a heater tune-up is a great way to keep warm when the temperature drops low.
Consider a tune-up Champion AC’s version of battening down the hatches for winter. We’ll make sure that all connections are tight, thermostats are calibrated, coils are cleaned, refrigerant levels are correct and much more. With a full energy audit, we’ll be able to ensure that your system isn’t hemorrhaging energy (or suggest the necessary heater repairs to correct any problems).
Winter brings people home for the holidays. The last thing you need with a full house is a broken heater. If anything, a simple tune-up will deliver peace of mind. You can safely enjoy the winter season with a properly functioning heater!
To schedule your tune-up, call Champion AC today! For more energy saving heating tips, check out our blog.