Air conditioning is a luxury. The last thing a homeowner wants is to have an AC unit that causes more stress than peace and comfort. If your air conditioner is rattling or making noises such as dripping, splashing or any other water-related noises, here are a few things to consider before calling a technician.
If you’re hearing a dripping noise…
No need to fret! A healthy and functioning air conditioning unit creates a little condensation. The way an AC unit works is by taking the humidity from the air and getting rid of it. Once the water is taken out of the air, it needs somewhere to go. If you’re hearing a dripping sound coming from your unit, it’s most likely this condensation splashing into a drip pan. However, this noise can be as annoying as a squeaky ceiling fan. If the dripping has become a frustrating sound to deal with, you can look into emptying out the drip pan.
If you’re hearing a splashing or running water noise…
Houston, you may have a problem. Your AC unit is designed to evaporate most of the humidity in the room so that water does not build up. If your air conditioning unit is making a noise that sounds like running water, it is likely that the excess condensation is not draining properly and the drip pan is now overflowing. This can cause several problems – the main issue being that water can leak into your home.
Water sounds can be alarming, but the majority of the time there is no need to worry. It’s actually quite normal. The only time you may need to take action against these noises is if you physically see water dripping from the unit and leaking onto your floors.
If you have concerns about water noises and your AC, give Champion Home Services a call today!