Air conditioning isn’t just a luxury in San Antonio, it’s a necessity. Without proper hydration, shade and air conditioning, body temperatures can quickly rise to the hundreds – that’s heat stroke territory. Fortunately, humans have ways of cooling themselves off. We can sweat, sit by a fan, go inside and enjoy a cool drink, etc. Your pets are another story. Pets, like infants, rely purely on their owners/moms/dads to keep them safe. You provide the water, the shade and the air conditioning.
Now that summer is here, it’s more important than ever to protect your pets from the intense heat outside. Here is some important pet safety information from Champion Home Services so you can learn to keep your pets safe in the heat.
Important Pet Heat Safety Facts
- A healthy dog’s temperature runs around 102.5 degrees.
- A healthy cat’s temperature can run from 99.5 to 102.5 degrees.
- Even in cooler weather, leaving your pets in the car is very dangerous.
- On a 70 degree day a car can reach 104 degrees inside in as little as 30 minutes. (This puts both dogs and cats in the heat stroke range.)
- On a 95 degree summer day, a car’s interior can reach 129 degrees in 30 minutes.
Treating an Animal with Heat Stroke
If a cat’s temperature reaches 103 degrees, or a dog’s reaches 105, they need immediate veterinary attention. If you suspect your pet has heat exhaustion or heat stroke, fast action must be taken to save them.
- Get the animal into the shade or an air conditioned room.
- Have someone start and cool your car down.
- Pour cool (not cold) water on your pet. Call ahead to your vet to let them know you’re coming.
- Place ice packs or cold towels on their head, neck and chest for the car ride to the vet.
- Let them drink small amounts of water or lick ice cubes.
Preventing Heat Stroke In Pets
Responsible pet owners can take several steps to keep their dogs and cats safe during the hot summer days and nights.
- Make sure your pet always has access to clean, cool water and a shady place to rest.
- Keep your pet’s coat well-groomed. Long coats can serve as insulation from the heat if it has been groomed to remove the undercoat.
- Make sure any outdoor or large kennels have adequate air conditioning.
- Bring your pets inside. Would you leave a toddler outside in the 95 degree heat? Pets are family. If it’s too hot for you outside, it’s definitely too hot for them.
If you have concerns about your home’s air conditioning or are in need of AC repair, call us today at Champion Home Services! We have years of experience keeping San Antonio families and their beloved pets safe and cool during the summer.