Are you aware of the possible contaminants that might be inhabiting the air inside your home? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ranked indoor air quality as one of the top five concerns for a person’s health. Pollutants in the air can be the cause of the rise and fall of allergies, as well as a variety of other illnesses. Here are the top three indoor air pollutants in your home.
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)—more commonly known as secondhand smoke—is a foul concoction of the smoke exhaled by smokers and the smoke given off by simply burning tobacco-related products. It is common knowledge that tobacco products can cause variations of cancer, but were you aware that a person exposed to ETS also has a probability of developing cancers?
There are several ways to limit your exposure to ETS and combat these pollutants in your home:
- Don’t smoke in or around your home
- Frequently change out your air filters
- Avoid restaurants, stores and other public places that allow smoking
- Biological Sources
Biological sources can include but are not limited to mold, pollen, pets and insects. It’s hard for us to imagine Fido as a source of pollution, but his fur, as well as bugs he might track in, can cause a problem. These indoor air pollutants can cause a variety of illnesses and allergic reactions, which for obvious reasons you don’t want in your home! Here are a few ways you can combat these pollutants:
- Make sure your home is well ventilated
- Keep your homes moisture levels under control
- Maintain a generally clean and tidy home
- Household Cleaning Products
Cleaning products are a household necessity, however they can and often do contain harmful chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine or bleach. Such chemicals can cause sore throats, allergic reactions and respiratory problems.
Unfortunately, you cannot simply boycott all cleaning products, but there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to them:
- Make sure there is adequate ventilation in the room you are using the product
- Properly dispose of rags, sponges and paper towels you have cleaned with
- Rinse off said cleaned surface with water
- And generally limit your use of chemically potent products
There are many ways to protect yourself from harmful indoor air pollutants, take your pick. For ongoing or urgent issues, Champion Home Services is the place to call for all your air purifier and air conditioning repair needs!