CPS Energy’s 5 Steps to Cutting Down on Energy Use
I got an interesting flyer in the mail this week from CPS Energy. It was all about the utility’s STEP program, which sets a goal to cut down on energy usage each year. Turns out San Antonio met last year’s goal – and actually exceeded it by quite a bit. That’s good news. CPS Energy says the 2011 energy consumption reduction goal is even more aggressive, so it has some steps you can take to help out:
-Replace any inefficient appliances, when possible, with energy-saving models. (The good news is there are so many rebates available for energy-efficient buys – including the state’s program, which still has about $2 million left.)
-When you’re home, set your air conditioning thermostat between 68-70 degrees during the colder months and 78-80 during the warmer months.
-Repair leaks in your air duct system.
-Get the attic insulation checked out.
-Turn off the lights and ceiling fans when you’re not in a room.
I think we all witnessed the problems of the rolling brownouts during the arctic weather a few weeks back. If we all help cut down on the amount of power we collectively use and make these positive changes into daily habits, hopefully, we can avoid situations like that in the future (and save some money on our bills along the way).